Emmanuel Church | 3800 Old Town Road | Huntingtown, MD 20639



Our mission is clear as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19–20. God is calling us to deepen the sense of community within the church family, and to reach out to the community around us. Our new Emmanuel Life Center will become the cornerstone of these objectives.
Emmanuel’s history is rich and textured, and our future is promising. The Emmanuel Life Center will be the next ministry tool to help fulfill the mission of giving everyone the best opportunity to become fully-developing followers of Jesus for generations to come. It will strengthen our efforts to deepen our sense of community within the church and reach out to the community around us. Our mission is clear and your partnership is needed. Ever mindful that we are better together, together we will Continue the Vision! 


God has blessed, provided for, and grown our church. Before the pandemic hit us so hard and changed life as we know it, our Sunday worship attendance had grown from about 350 in 2015 to nearly 550 at the end of 2019. Our yearly budget of about $1.2 million has been steadily growing.  Our Emmanuel Kids children’s ministry often had more than 100 children in attendance before the pandemic.  Just about every Sunday, commitments are made to Christ by profession of faith at Emmanuel, many by people changing churches in our local area.

A visit to Emmanuel Church on any given Sunday will reveal that classrooms for children are filled to capacity. Hallways are crowded with people. There is no room to offer to Connection Groups to meet on Sunday mornings. The student ministry's facilities are not ideal and do not allow any room for growth. Weekdays are in constant flux as there is a juggle for space for MOPS, Celebrate Recovery, SAILS senior adult ministry, missions, and outreach. Office space for staff is at its limit. Building a gym and additional classrooms within the Emmanuel Life Center will accommodate our present needs, as well as allow for future growth.

A building should never be an end in itself, but a building can help facilitate the ministry of the church. At Emmanuel Church our building is put to good use on a daily basis. On just about every day of the week the building is being used to enable various ministries to function. Many community groups would like to utilize our space on a regular basis. However, we cannot currently support the community and use it as an opportunity to evangelize.
Our current building never sits idle. With the ELC we will be able to support our existing needs as well as expand outreach to our community.  


The Emmanuel Life Center will provide opportunities for our students and classrooms needed for meetings, Connection Groups, and other ministries (like Celebrate Recovery and MOPS). The gymnasium will be a facility that we can use to expand our outreach to the community.
The vision is exciting; however, a vision is nothing more than an exciting concept until a strategy is implemented to fund the plan.
Our Continuing the Vision campaign uses proven, organized capital-raising methods that help churches like ours raise the necessary funds to start construction and bring it to completion. Continuing the Vision is designed so that each member, attendee, and friend of Emmanuel Church can participate. God has placed this program in our hands to supply the financial needs for this expansion.
The vision of having the Emmanuel Life Center can only be accomplished by each of us giving generously, consistent with our resources. God has been very good to us at Emmanuel Church.
Soon we will have a beautiful new facility, and those old trailers used by the students will be gone. There are many needs in this county, country, and world—all places Christ commanded us to reach. This campaign will directly contribute to our ability to reach out to Calvert County and beyond.



  • Classrooms
  • Restrooms
  • Gymnasium 
  • Office
  • Warm-up Kitchen
  • Outdoor Patio


  • Group meeting rooms
  • Restrooms
  • Office 


Being a part of our Continuing the Vision campaign is a privilege as we stand in the footsteps of the group of individuals that funded and built the first sanctuary (our current Welcome Center) and the second group of individuals that built the current sanctuary. Now is our opportune time to continue the needed expansion of Emmanuel Church.

Talk With God
Ask the Lord to guide and direct you and for His will to be done in your life as you prayerfully consider your participation in the Continuing the Vision campaign. Always remember it is our heart that matters most to God and that it is not about the size of the gift, but the nature of the sacrifice. Look to the poor widow’s example in Mark 12:41–44.

Remember that your gift, while serving to help us construct our new Emmanuel Life Center, is first and foremost about extending our reach so that we are able to connect more people with Jesus, help them to grow to be more like Jesus, and teach them to share their hope in Jesus.

Sacrifice So That You Can Invest
Prayerfully consider ways you can reprioritize your spending to better invest in reaching our community. Perhaps God will lead you to hold off on the purchase of a new car, adjust your vacation plans, eat out less for a season, or drink home-brewed coffee instead of those calorie-rich coffees at vendors; maybe you can give out of an abundance of wealth.  

Schedule A Giving Plan
Prayerfully develop a plan of giving that is over and above what you already give to the church through your regular tithes and offerings. Consider committing your tax refund or bonus income.

Did you know that the tax laws allow you to contribute stock to the church? The church gets the full value of the stock and any capital gains, and you get a tax deduction equal to the stock’s value. You also avoid paying the capital gains tax.

How It Works
If you would like to make a monthly contribution over the next few years and/or a lump sum, please contact our business manager, Anita Nalls. She will be the only one at the church that knows how much you contribute. All contributions will be held in a separate account and used only for Emmanuel Life Center funding purposes.
The Goal
While we didn't quite reach our initial goal during the first phase of our campaign, our elders have come up with a responsible financial plan to fund the building using campaign pledges and additional funds without sacrificing the church's financial stability.